published 2007 December

This post from 2007 was migrated from my old blog I FEEL ASLEEP, which was shared with Neverhitboxes.

Pretty much anyone who has watched any family sitcom or movie knows that a lot of the comedy that comes out of things like that is through certain main characters getting frustrated, angry or fed-up with someone or something.

Maybe that’s a little vague. Let me give an example.

Right now Are We There Yet? is on TV, and I’ve been passively watching it. One of the scenes involves the two kids Nick (the main character, played by Ice Cube) is taking care of pretty much stealing his car. They trick him into getting out of the car, then they lock the doors and speed around the parking lot.

Ha-ha, comedic scene. That’s what I want to talk about.

As a side-note, I have nothing against this movie; it just happens to be the most handy example.

I can only assume, and I guess I can understand, that most people find those kinds of things funny. But for some reason, I just don’t. Instead of laughing or just saying “Those silly kids”, I kinda hate them at the moment. As much as if they were doing that kind of stuff to me.

I don’t know why; I just hate them. It’s like I get too attached to the characters or something. I understand their feelings too much.

And I’ve got to say, it really bugs me. I can no longer watch Everybody Loves Raymond comfortably I admit, it was getting old anyway, but it’s just so annoying now. Every time Marie makes a passing insult at Debra, or every time Debra does something crazy to Ray like throw a spoonful of brownie mix in his face for making a stupid remark I just get so angry.

It’s like I’m the victim, like I just got a spoonful of liquid chocolate in my face just for saying something stupid by accident. I mean, imagine if that was you. Imagine if you accidentally said something stupid or insulting (we all have) to a spouse (or friend), and they just gave you this death stare and threw a spoonful of chocolate in your face.

I don’t know about you, but I’d be hella pissed. I mean, that would be totally unnecessary. I’d get so mad, I don’t even know what I’d do to cool off.

So why is this funny on TV? I can understand that things on TV can be funnier than similar things in real life (believe me; I’m a hardcore Seinfeld fan), but I don’t know about this whole anger thing. As far as I know I haven’t met anyone else who has this problem (not that I ask upon meeting someone or anything).

It’s a real burden on a person, relating to a fictional character’s emotions. I go through so many internal mood changes so quickly it’s ridiculous.

What’s weird is that I never show them, though. In fact, sometimes it’s the opposite: I’ve often been accused of looking depressed or angry when I’m just in deep thought.

And I like being in deep thought. Because all the emotions in deep thought are my own.

That, and Deep Thought calculated The Answer.